End Violence Against Women
Advocacy through authentic storytelling

Art Direction

I was commissioned by End Violence Against Women to create a campaign to raise awareness about rape and victim blaming. The primary goal was to garner public and media support, sparking conversation and advocating for a complete review of how rape cases are managed within the criminal justice system. By increasing visibility, we aimed to push for accountability and ensure that every survivor receives the justice and support they deserve.

To create a strong connection with the audience, I decided to highlight real stories from women, sourced from research conducted by End Violence Against Women. These stories illustrated how the current system fails survivors, supported by facts that made the campaign both impactful and credible. Authenticity was crucial, so I chose models who represented diverse, everyday women, reinforcing the message that these issues could affect anyone, whether a mother, sister, friend, or daughter.

For the visual identity, I used a colour palette that was both bold and approachable, with End Violence Against Women’s logo prominently displayed to anchor the message. The design featured strong, contrasting typography, allowing the quotes and facts to stand out in urban environments. The simplicity and strength of the visuals encouraged viewers to pause and reflect, making the campaign memorable and shareable. This approach helped amplify the voices of survivors, sparking public discussion and urging people to join the movement for change.